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w w w . s h a n n o n d t a y l o r . c o m
@ m a g i c m a k e r d r e a m w e a v e r
email: shannon@shannondtaylor.com
{ e d u c a t i o n }
University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
Masters Degree in Illustration, graduated with Distinction, September, 2011
California College of the Arts (and Crafts), San Francisco, CA
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree with a major in Illustration, May 2006
University of Georgia Athens in Cortona, Italy
Study Abroad Program, Fellowship, Summer, 2005
{ i l l u s t r a t i o n c l i e n t s }
Cincinnati Magazine, Discount Universe, Nooworks, Field Day Wearables, Women Who Draw, Children’s Fairyland, Brushstrokes Studio
{ e m p l o y m e n t }
California College of Arts
Lecturer, Degree, Extension, and Pre-College Programs, 2016-Current Date
Children’s Fairyland
Director of Art and Restoration, 2012-Current Date
Children’s Fairyland
Art Restoration, Lead Painter, 2012
Brushstrokes Studio
Studio Assistant, 2010-2012
Brushstrokes Studio
Lead Art Instructor Summer Camp, 2010
Children’s Fairyland
Art Restoration, 2009-2010
The Compound Gallery
Contracted Artist for the Art in a Box subscription service, 2009-present
Contracted Artist, exclusive, 2005-2009
{ a r t r e s i d e n c i e s }
Redux Gallery and St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County, Alameda/Oakland, CA. “The AIR program provides qualified artists working in a variety of media with the use of a studio and unlimited access to waste materials in our Alameda County warehouse facility.” From these sourced and forgotten materials,I pursued a four month residency which culminated in a large solo show. Part of my residency experience was also directed towards community involvement, including recycled-material, craft projects targeted at children and families at Children’s Fairyland.
( e x h i b i t i o n h i s t o r y }
s o l o e x h i b i t i o n s :
Nooworks, “Skywife”, San Francisco, CA (which includes a fabric collaboration)
Field Day, “In the Darkness”, Oakland, CA
Redux Gallery, “The Stars Come Down”, Alameda, CA
Rare Bird, “Sky Songs”, Oakland, CA
Resurrect, “She Likes the Wild”, Oakland CA
Field Day, “We Are All Made of Stars”, Oakland, CA
August, “Wonder”, Mill Valley, CA
U and I Framing, “Ill Omens”, Kennewick, WA
California College of the Arts and Crafts, BFA Senior Exhibition, San Francisco, CA
g r o u p e x h i b i t i o n s :
Bedford Gallery, “ReTooled, Bladerunner”, Walnut Creek, CA
Adobe Books Backroom, “Fantasyland”, San Francisco, CA
Diamond Mine, “Infinite. Flora. Fauna”, Oakland, CA
Children's Fairyland, “Drawn Together 3, Art Rally”, Oakland, CA (Organizer, MC, and Participant)
Rock Paper Scissors Collective, “Year of the Creature”, Oakland, CA
Children’s Fairyland, “Drawn Together 2, Art Rally”, Oakland, CA (Organizer, MC, and Participant)
The Compound Gallery, “Art In a Box”, Oakland, CA
California College of Arts, “Illustration Faculty and Alumni Biennial Show”, San Francsico, CA
Children’s Fairyland, “Drawn Together, Art Rally”, Oakland, CA (Organizer and Participant)
University of the Arts London, MA Final Show, London, England
Girls Inc., “Women of Taste”, Oakland, CA
The Compound Gallery,” Art In a Box”, Oakland, CA
California College of Arts, “Illustration Faculty and Alumni Show, San Francisco, CA
The Compound Gallery, “Holidayland”, Oakland, CA
Swee(t)Art Drawing Gallery, “The Worship of Water”, Oakland, CA
The Compound Gallery, “Art In a Box”, Oakland, CA
L'Keg Gallery, ”Under the Cover of Trees”, Los Angeles, CA
111 Minna Gallery, Third Tuesday, San Francisco, CA
Lobot Gallery, “Virus”, Oakland. CA
Boontling Gallery, “$1 Show”, Oakland, CA
Gallery Cortona, UGA Summer Abroad Student Works Show, Cortona, Italy
Irwin Gallery, “Hot Off the Girl”, Oakland, CA
Boontling Gallery, “Over Hung pt.2 “Hung Over”, Oakland, CA
Irwin Gallery, Residential Life, Oakland, CA
Clifton Hall Gallery, Residential Life, Oakland. CA
Boontling Gallery, “Over Hung”, Oakland, CA
North/South Gallery, Core Show, Oakland, CA
City Hall, State Art Competition, Olympia, WA
{ a w a r d s / f e l l o w s h i p s / h o n o r s }
Judge for the first ever Oakland Public Library, Library Card Design Contest, 2017
University of Arts London, Graduation with Distinction, 2011
Philanthropic Educational Organization, “ELF” award for international study abroad, London, England, 2010-2011
Girls Incorporated, donation of art to the “Women of Taste” event, 2010
Kingman Hall, University of California Berkeley, permanent mural, 2009
OneCalifornia Foundation, Nomination for the 2nd Annual “Oakland Indie Award” in the category of “Newbie”, Oakland, CA, 2008
Banco Popolare di Cortona, Fellowship to study abroad, Cortona, Italy, 2005
National Scholars Honor Society, Member, 2002-present
California College of the Arts and Crafts, Student Leadership Award, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
California College of the Arts and Crafts, Student Government, Member 2002-2006, President 2004
California College of the Arts and Crafts. Student Representative to the Board of Trustees, 2003-2005
{ g u e s t l e c t u r e a n d c r i t i q u e }
Bedford Gallery, Guild Luncheon, Art Talk and Slide Presentation, 2017
Creative Growth Artist Studio, Visiting Artist, Lecture and Instruction for “Bleach/Dye Workshop”, 2012
Brushstrokes Studio, Artists in Nature Class, Lecture and Practice of “Magical Realism”, 2010
California College of the Arts, Illustration 3 under Senior Adjunct Professor Owen Smith, 2009
Interview, Observing Magic by curator Obi Kaufmann, www.oaklandsweetart.info, http://obikaufmann.blogspot.com, August 30th, 2009